California law targeting amazon labor

New California Bill Passes: Amazon Warehouse Workers …

New California Bill Passes: Amazon Warehouse Workers Can Get Some Power : NPR

23.09.2021 — California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed AB 701 on Wednesday. It aims to address the impact of speed quotas on warehouse worker injuries and …

California lawmakers have passed a first-of-its-kind legislation that targets Amazon and other large warehouses. The bill, opposed by retail and business groups, now heads to the governor’s office.

California passes law targeting Amazon labor algorithms

California’s New Worker Safety Law Targets Amazon Warehouse Practices : NPR

09.09.2021 — California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill that would block Amazon and other companies from punishing warehouse workers who fail to meet …

California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed AB 701 on Wednesday. It aims to address the impact of speed quotas on warehouse worker injuries and health.

California Bill Could Alter Amazon Labor Practices

California passes law targeting Amazon labor algorithms – The Verge

22.09.2021 — The bill would rein in production quotas at warehouses that critics say are excessive and force workers to forgo bathroom breaks.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill that would block Amazon and other companies from punishing warehouse workers who fail to meet certain performance metrics for taking rest or meal breaks.

California passes landmark bill targeting Amazon’s …

California Bill Could Alter Amazon Labor Practices – The New York Times

21.10.2021 — The legislation prohibits companies from imposing production quotas that prevent workers from taking state-mandated breaks or using the bathroom …

The bill would rein in production quotas at warehouses that critics say are excessive and force workers to forgo bathroom breaks.

Amazon Work Quotas Are Target of New California Law – Reveal

California Senate Passes Bill Reining In Amazon Labor Model – The New York Times

25.09.2021 — A groundbreaking new California law takes direct aim at a key feature of Amazon’s business model: the backbreaking production quotas that …

The bill would curb production quotas at Amazon and other companies that critics say are excessive and force workers to forgo bathroom breaks.

California passes bill targeting Amazon’s productivity quotas …

09.09.2021 — The new law prohibits employers from implementing quotas that prevent workers from taking meal and bathroom breaks. Image: Amazon …

California becomes 1st state to pass law targeting Amazon’s …

Amazon Work Quotas Are Target of New California Law

22.09.2021 — California today became the first state to bar mega-retailers from firing warehouse workers for missing quotas that interfere with bathroom …

The law prohibits warehouse companies from enforcing quotas that prevent workers from doing their jobs safely. Reveal’s investigations have shown Amazon’s injury rates are worse than the U.S. industry average.

New California Law Targets Amazon Warehouse …

California becomes 1st state to pass law targeting Amazon’s labor practices | Honolulu Star-Advertiser

California today became the first state to bar mega-retailers from firing warehouse workers for missing quotas that interfere with bathroom and rest breaks under a new law signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom that grew from Amazon’s drive to speed goods to consumers more quickly.

New California Law Targets Amazon Warehouse Production Quotas | HuffPost Impact

AB 701, which is the first legislation of its kind in the country, is meant to protect workers from being penalized for taking breaks or using the bathroom.

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